Creating space to experience the grace of Jesus Christ in your place of need

For You.
How the exclusivity of Jesus is the most radically inclusive.

Do you not care, Jesus?
How Jesus gives peace to his exasperated friends in Mark 4

Awake! Awake!
unlikely leaders, awakening grace from Deborah and friends in Judges 4 and 5

The Power of Being Chosen
The power of being chosen is nothing short of new life.

Made to boast…
solid ground from Galatians 6 amdist uncertainty

Can I Get A Witness?
Have you ever wanted to know the mind of God?

Dandelion planted in a Middle School retreat
…it was a special call for what God has sent us to do with Dandelion…

Locked Rooms
Jesus comes and finds us in our locked rooms.

Out with the Old and In with the New
What does it mean that we live in a new covenant?

Follow the Joy
Our take on evangelism

The True Normal
How does Jesus completely redefine normal and what on earth does that have to do with Primanti Brothers sandwiches?

When God Speaks
The Steelers, The Hobbit, and hope for 2024

Squirrels, Beckham, Les Mis, Public Enemy, and Jesus
The difference between simply talking about Jesus and actually being given Jesus.

Reawakening 2023!
Dandelion Ministries was invited to help organize and lead the Reawakening Conference for the Anglican Diocese in New England!

Life from the Shadows
A recent story of comfort and new life from death and disconnection.

Disconnection, the Gospel, and Modern Art
Disconnection, Modern Art, the Gospel, and You!

The Power of Losing
The conclusion to long shadows, sibling rivalries, and the world’s idea of strength.

The Shame of Two Brothers
Jesus’ story about two brothers speaks to us in the ways we try to manage our shame

Burying Bones
a vision of restoration from Ezekiel 39

From Charleston to Boston
Sharing good news in creative ways

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
— John 12:24
Visual Art
When visual art connects to us, it puts pictures to the words we cannot find. It slips past our defenses and awakens us. It might awaken grief, anger, admiration, compassion, or anything else deep in our soul. It reminds us that we are more than our to-do list, more than our rational, logical endeavors. We long to feel alive. Our creativity tells on us.
I hope my creative journey (so far) in paint, charcoal, graphite, sharpie connects to you.
Music has an amazing ability to penetrate past our rational defenses and cut straight to our needy and hurting places. It can agitate, open up, and soothe what is stuffed down and closed off. It is a powerful form of language that allows us to express what at times seems inexpressible, a release valve for our souls.
These are some of the songs that give voice to pieces of my journey. Perhaps they will connect to yours and hopefully open up the door for deeper understanding and grace for yourself and others. At the very least, I hope they sound good to you ;)

Make a donation.
Our annual goal is to raise $170,000. We need your help.
Thank you!
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