Happy Thanksgiving!

Gratitude is one of those powerful, mind-altering forces in life. Very often we suffer from what they call in the 12 Step communities “stinking thinking.” It’s the kind of thinking that only focuses on the negative, that has lost perspective, can’t see the forest for the trees. . .thinking that gets consumed and overwhelmed with the problems and challenges we face and begins to spiral into comparison, future-tripping, and doomsday-ing. It stinks! “Stinking thinking” is synonymous with shame-based thinking: I am such a failure. No one cares what I’m going through. No one understands. etc, etc. It’s anxious, urgent, and isolating. And “stinking thinking” usually leads to some kind of escapism or acting out to try to curb the navel gazing inward spiral. Hello unhealthy coping mechanism with your empty promises and short-lived relief. . .let’s get numb! And before you know it, once the numbing wears off you’ve got something new to feel bad about. Thanks shame cycle for always being there for me!

Gratitude has this amazing ability to undo this merry-go-round from hell. To lift your eyes up away from your navel to look around and see your life in a new light. Gratitude is a powerful force, AND it is not something that you can invent. It is not something you generate out of nothing. Gratitude is always a response, a fruit of a gift. You have to have something to be thankful for. “Stinking thinking” always limits our focus. . .give us tunnel vision. . .blinds us to the gifts we have received. We need help from the outside to see them anew.

So on this Thanksgiving morning I want to remind you first and foremost of the promises of God to you. As Paul rhetorically asks the Corinthian church, “What do you have that you did not receive?” (1 Cor. 4:7) Everything we have of value in life is from the Lord…not least of all life itself. And yet, our Father in heaven wants you to hear even more specifically the great news of his love for us. You are known fully and completely by God. You are forgiven fully and completely by God. And you are loved fully and completely by God without condition! You are not a mistake. You are not alone. You are cherished by your Father in heaven, and he will never let you go. I know all of this true because he has said so in his Word and he never lies (Numbers 23:13, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:8). All of his promises find their yes in Jesus! (2 Cor. 1:20)

Give thanks this day for you are a beloved child of God. We are so grateful for you! Thank you for being a part of the Dandelion community.

Recommended Reading


O Come, O Come Emmanuel


New Music: WAVES is out today!